WASHINGTON – On Thursday, Congressman Lance Gooden (R-Texas) joined Fox and Friends to discuss his legislation to defund the United Nations’ agencies responsible for supporting migrant caravans south of the border. 

Rep. Lance Gooden said, “The United Nations is repaying our generosity by financing a mass invasion of the United States. U.S. taxpayer dollars should not go to any organization that is actively undermining our national security.” 

ICYMI: Rep. Gooden Joins Fox and Friends to Discuss His Bill to End United Nations Funded Migrant Caravans

Click here to watch the full interview. 

Interview excerpt: 

“The United Nations is working with countries like Mexico and facilitating the invasion of our nation. They are providing debit cards with around $400 every two weeks, they are instructing them on how to navigate our asylum process, and they using taxpayer dollars that we give to the United Nations.” 

“We provide over 20% of their budget and they are helping them to come into our country.”