WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, Congressman Lance Gooden (R-Texas) was presented with the ‘Hero of Main Street’ award to recognize his support of local businesses.

Rep. Lance Gooden said, “I am honored to be recognized as a Hero of Main Street and will always prioritize local businesses in Texas over big banks on Wall Street. Congress must act to protect these businesses from the credit card duopoly, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to put Main Street America first.”

Image of Lance Gooden

Congressman Gooden pictured receiving the award at Brookshires in Canton, Texas.

“Congressman Gooden has long been a steadfast ally for our industry, our employees, and our customers,” TRA Executive Director John McCord said. “As an advocate of swipe fee transparency and credit card competition, TRA is proud to stand alongside Congressman Gooden as he fights for retailers across Texas.”

During his time in Congress, Gooden has advocated for policies that prioritize local retailers and small businesses over big banks on Wall Street. Most recently, he introduced the Credit Card Competition Act to prevent the credit card processing duopoly from collaborating with the nation’s top banks to price gouge small businesses on credit card swipe fees.