Republicans Secure Much-Needed Protections for American Workers

WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Trump signed an executive order Monday to defend American workers and provide our economy the jump-start it needs. The President's decision to suspend guest worker visas follows an ongoing effort from Congressman Lance Gooden (R-TX) scrutinizing these programs.

Earlier this year, Congressman Gooden urged President Trump to suspend the guest worker programs addressed in his executive order. He issued the following statement in response to the White House announcement:

Congressman Gooden - “President Trump’s decision to suspend new guest worker visas is a strong show of support for American workers. Approximately forty-five million individuals have filed for unemployment since mid-March. We need to stop importing the competition of American workers as state economies continue reopening and people are looking for jobs.
"We were in need of bold action and President Trump has delivered in a big way. I look forward to working with the Trump Administration in its second term to permanently reform these broken programs.”